Interconnected fire detectors in Saint-Sulpice

Customer request

The customer needed an interconnected fire detection system for a 15-cabin lakeside development. They already had a system installed, but it was not functioning correctly.

With the cabins being made of wood and close to each other, it was essential that when a fire was detected by one of the sensors, a signal was transmitted to all the other detectors so that the entire housing estate could be evacuated quickly.


Ajax Alarm System

We installed an Ajax system consisting of an Ajax control unit and 15 heat/smoke detectors. Each sensor is named and connected to the central unit which is itself connected to the internet, allowing a few selected people in the development to know exactly which sensor has signalled an alarm directly on their smartphone application.

Ajax Alarm Centre

Hub 2 Plus is a central device in the Ajax security system, controlling the operation of all connected devices and interacting with the user and the monitoring centre.

Smoke and Heat Detector

Wireless fire detector with temperature sensor that monitors room safety 24 hours a day and immediately reports smoke and sudden temperature increases.

Services used for this installation
